At TOTEM Branding we believe in the fundamental importance of knowledge and sharing it. Knowledge acquired in the real world, in the market, in the trenches of the front line of the creation, construction or transformation of brands. Sharing is knowledge, sharing creates community, sharing makes growth.

We share branding insights as a tool for positive transformation.
We believe our job and commitment is to improve the world of brands today and for those who will come after. Building a sense of connection, pride and belonging is at the core of what we do. One of the goals of this Blog is precisely to share.

Better than predicting the future is creating it

There are 7 weeks and 1 day left until the start of 2025. This is the time of year to rethink strategies, embrace new beginnings, and position yourself as leaders who not only understand trends, but also transform them into opportunities. Here is a first batch of a series of installments that will be shared […]

#8Hugs Challenge

Hugs are the refuge we give and receive in the moments we need it most✨ Today is 8: #8Hugs ✨ The power of 8 hugs is limitless. It unites us, connects us, comforts us, heals us and reminds us of what really matters. Today, like every 8th, at TOTEM Branding we celebrate the transformative power […]

Reinventando el consumo de frutas

El consumo de frutas y hortalizas en España enfrenta desafíos que no pueden ser ignorados. A pesar de su importancia indiscutible en una dieta equilibrada, la demanda de estos productos ha mostrado signos de estancamiento, lo que plantea preguntas cruciales para el sector agroalimentario. Hablamos con Andy Stalman, experto en Marketing y CEO de TOTEM […]

Is Artificial Intelligence the true revolution?

The true revolution isn’t AI replacing humans, but the renaissance of humanity in a world where we coexist with artificial intelligence. We stand on the brink of a new era defined by the unprecedented convergence of humanity and AI. This inevitable fusion is reshaping the foundations of the present and the future, giving rise to […]

Will AI replace Human Beings?

The real revolution is not AI replacing the human being, but the rebirth of the human in a world where we live with artificial intelligence. We are on the verge of a new era defined by the unprecedented convergence between humanity and AI. This inevitable fusion is reconfiguring the foundations of the present and the […]

Welcome, Angie!

Today we are celebrating and we give a warm welcome to Angie! We are excited to announce the incorporation of Angie Prieto as the new leader of our expansion in the Andean Region. Her outstanding track record of more than 15 years in the branding world, along with her strategic approach, passion for innovation and […]

Mallorca & TOTEM Branding, Rethinking Tourism

Mallorca is much more than a destination, it is a vibrant land, defined by its people, its quality of life, its hospitality, its light and its incomparable natural environment. At this crucial moment in its history, the island faces a great opportunity to become a world reference for responsible tourism. It is time to rethink […]

Andy Stalman (Mr. Branding): Humanizar o desaparecer

Andy Stalman, conocido internacionalmente como ‘Mr. Branding’, es un gurú que lleva más de tres décadas liderando proyectos en todo el mundo y una de las voces protagonistas para descifrar cuáles son las nuevas tendencias que liderarán en un sector vital para empresas y marcas Leer Noticia Completa

TOTEM Branding and the Journey to the Future of Branding

Years ago, TOTEM Branding was a spark of inspiration, a vision taking shape in the minds of dreamers. Today, that spark has ignited a revolution, transforming brands and reshaping industries across five continents. Now, we stand among the world’s top branding firms. This journey has been fueled by love, passion, discipline, and the extraordinary collaboration […]

Esta es la ventaja de Colombia en un presente marcado por la tecnología: “Tiene algo que el mundo busca”

Infobae Colombia conversó con el argentino Andy Stalman, experto en construcción de marcas y experiencia de usuario, para entender lo que el país debe tener en cuenta para no perder el potencial humano que lo caracteriza Leer Noticia Completa