Do we give Mental Health the importance it deserves? The health of the human being is the health of society and of the planet.
The celebration of World Mental Health Day on October 10 is an initiative of the World Federation for Mental Health (WFMH) and is celebrated in more than 100 countries.
Each year this organization proposes an aspect of mental health, in the form of a slogan, along with content on this topic.
There are many fronts open. Health is not just about avoiding illness or disease. It is also about physical, mental and social well-being. While more and more emotional illnesses are becoming more visible, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, OCD, etc., among others.
It is estimated that mental health problems will be the leading cause of disability in the world by the end of this decade.
By adopting and following a healthier lifestyle, you will be contributing to your well-being.
Health – physical, mental and emotional – should be a top priority for everyone. Because without health there is nothing.
Today is a good day to clap again. Not to forget the healthcare workers who deserve recognition not only for their enormous effort during the pandemic, but for what they do every day, every day.
Our awareness of health helps us to value it more. To care for it more. To enjoy it more.
Let’s hope we don’t have to suffer from any disease to value what is important to us: health, life.
Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations of a healthy life. A healthy lifestyle keeps you fit, energetic and at a reduced risk of disease.
“One day we are going to cure all diseases” stated Aaron Ciechanover, Nobel laureate in Chemistry, and also asked. “but at what cost?”
At TOTEM Branding we are very aware of the value of health in all its areas. More and more of our clients are betting on healthier, sustainable, more human and empathetic projects. Because emotional, physical and mental well-being is non-negotiable.
Happy World Mental Health Day to all our dear Community.